Martial Arts

How to Start Practicing Martial Arts as an Adult


A very common dilemma most adults are dealing with is whether their age could prevent them from trying something new – a change of career, picking up a new sport or a hobby, learning a new skill or a language.

Well, one thing is for sure – you can never be too old to start practicing martial arts.

In fact, it’s a great choice! It is beneficial for both your physical and mental health.

A lot of types and styles of martial arts you can learn with no age limit.

Here is what to consider if you are an adult beginner.

Consult your doctor first

Practicing martial arts is a demanding activity requiring a great deal of effort. You have to be sure your body can endure such physical requirements. A professional opinion is a must if you have a history of injuries or some serious medical conditions.

Set your goals

Have you always wanted to join martial arts after watching action movies? Are you looking for something that will make an impact on your body and mind? Do you want to feel stronger and safer and improve your confidence?

First of all, you should understand your motivation and consider your goals. That will help you choose the right martial art and school. Focus on what you want to achieve, make a list and prioritize your objectives (for example, weight loss, defense, flexibility).

Focus on your health

Martial arts classes make you stretch and use your body in so many new ways. Not only will you strengthen your muscles but you will also reduce your sensitivity to injuries in everyday life. Martial arts will impact your mental health by teaching you how to meditate and connect with your spiritual self. Through various forms of exercise, you will feel stronger and healthier every day. It is proven that exercise increases productivity in all areas of life. It can improve your brain function and slow down cognitive decline, thus reducing the risk of dementia.

Make a long-term commitment for best results

From white to black belt – that’s the path that everyone must take. Even the most experienced professionals have once been in your shoes.

You will slowly build upon your skills and achieve proficiency. Consistency is the key. It leads to habits that form the actions. Those actions lead to success. Commit to consistent training, be persistent and the results will come.

Adjust habits

Hard work will take up a lot of energy so you should make sure you are eating healthier and having enough sleep to recover. Active recovery is also recommended. Consider light exercise, jogging or swimming. This will reduce the risk of muscle strain and other injuries and will make you feel better than ever in no time.