Best Adventure Sports

Adventure sports, also known as extreme sports, are defined as recreational activities that involve a high degree of risk. Speed, height and unusual conditions potentially dangerous to life are just some of the traits included in adventure sports.
We can separate them into a few categories such as mountain sports, water sports, air sports or winter sports, and they can be motorized or non-motorized. They do, however, share one common trait and that is that they require a considerable physical ability. Many of them require specialized gear to minimize the risk of injuries.
Not all adventure sports are that extreme and kayaking is the perfect example. Although relatively similar to canoeing, it is distinguished by the sitting position and the number of blades the paddle has. Kayak is low to the water and usually made of wood or PVP, however, inflatable kayaks are becoming a lot more popular as well. The paddler is sat in a kayak facing forward with legs in front. If you got your paddles and your kayak, all that is left to do is choose where would you like to go kayaking – calm waters of a river or a lake or mountain rapids.
Scuba Diving
Scuba diving requires a lot of equipment and it is an underwater sport where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, also known as scuba. Tanks filled with oxygen allow divers to stay underwater for long periods of time. It is usually attached to your back and completely independent of surface supply allowing the diver more freedom and a better experience. Sometimes, however, divers prefer having only a snorkel, especially if diving in shallow waters.
Another part of the equipment necessary for movement is the fins that are attached to the feet. It is one of the most beautiful adventure sports as it offers plenty of various locations for diving.
Mountain Biking
We can call mountain biking a relative of biking. Though, the only thing that they have in common is the name as even the bikes used are very different. They are specially designed to have extra durability and performance over rough terrains. Regular biking is done on paved roads, smooth concrete streets. While mountain biking is done on rocky mountain roads and, through forests and even deserts.
It requires good bike handling skills, core strength and most importantly perhaps, self-reliance. Reason for it is the location of the tracks. Far away from the civilization, many riders carry a backpack with food and water and even tools. Knowing how to repair your bike and avoid being stranded seems like a must. Even though you need to be self-reliant, group riders are not uncommon at all, especially on longer treks.